I like to stream on Twitch, its more an excuse to make me play through games I've wanted to finish for a long time but been too lazy to sit down and actually do so (as well as playing games I loved as a kid)
I play with audio, so I have somewhat of a, ah, bespoke streaming setup, as you can see in the picture.
Vocal Chain
- ↓ sE V7 Supercardioid Dynamic Handheld Vocal Microphone
- ↓ ART TransX preamp (transformer isolated inputs and outputs)
- ↓ Syemtrix 511A downward expander + dynmic noise reduction filter
- ↓ Syemtrix 501 Compressor + Limiter
- ↓ Allen & Heath MixWizard 14:4:2 analog mixing desk
- ↓ Tascam 16x08 Audio Interface, 24bit 96khz
- ↓ Ardour DAW
- → OBS
Game Audio Chain
- ↓ SMSL DO100 DAC, 24bit 96khz
- ↓ Allen & Heath MixWizard 14:4:2 analog mixing desk
- → (Optionally through a stereo FET compressor as insert/return if needed)
- ↓ Bussed output to ART HeadAmp Pro
- ↓ Feeds Headphone monitors (Currently AudioTechnica ATH-AD700 circa 2009)
- ↓ Feeds SMSL DAC and speakers
- ↓ Bussed back Tascam 16x08 Audio Interface, 24bit 96khz
- ↓ Ardour DAW
- → OBS
MIDI Hardware (not always used)
- → Roland MT32 Revision 0
- → Edirol (Roland) SC88VL
- → E-MU Sound Engine
Input Chain
- → Bussed Vocal chain to Intelligate Ducker
- → Bussed Game Audio chain to Intelligate Ducker
- → Fed back into Tascam 16x08 Audio Interface, 24bit 96khz
- → Ardour DAW
- → OBS
Once back in the PC, we feed all the busses back into Ardour, which feeds OBS, and we feed in 4 stereo channels.
- → Voice
- → Original Game Audio
- → Ducked Game Audio
- → Streamdeck Overlay
This makes feeding Twitch/YouTube really simple (Combined Voice + Ducked Game Audio + Stream deck), while still recording all 4 channels separately I can make videos without my voice, or use the raw audio without any Stream deck sounds covering it up).
The video input side of things isn't so crazy, were running a Logitech Streamcam 1080p/60fps for face, and occasionally I use my old Canon VIXIA HF R500 via HDMI output to capture some 1080p overheads.
Video Options
- → Logitech StreamCam 1080p/60fps (USB)
- → Live Gamer Portable 2 Plus (USB)
- → Canon VIXIA HF R500 (HDMI out)
- → Extron RGB HDMI 300 (HDMI out)
- → DataPath VisionRGB E1 (PCIE) (DVI in)